Your website or ecommerce website is your flagship digital presence for all your customers. However, you need to ask yourself, is it good enough? Does it offer what your customer and Google want? Is it ‘doing the job’? Does my website convert visitors into customers? If not, then Digital Zest can help.
This Blog Will Give You Guidance
We have written this blog to help you get more customers, more sales and still have quality time doing the things you love.
This blog will:
1) Give you guidelines to good website design
2) Smash those beliefs that are holding your business back
3) Give you a checklist so you can start making those changes TODAY
How Can I Improve My Website?
The design of your website is crucial.
Elements to consider include speedy loading time, clear call to actions, legal capturing of sales leads, and precise navigation.
These elements, and many more besides which are integral to superb web design, form the building blocks to the whole structure and strength of your website or e-commerce platform.
Each building block has its own important place and role to play.
Leaving a building block out means your website has one or more weaknesses that are preventing you from reaching your true potential.
The terms that you need for great website design are User Experience and User Interface.
Mythical Elements Of Great Web Design
Your belief system about what constitutes a good website will include some myths.
Myth one: my website is mobile responsive. If you view your website on a mobile phone and you need to pinch the screen to see it properly, that does not mean it’s responsive!
Myth two: People don’t read content, so mine is minimal. Wrong! Content has never been more important, be it blogs, vlogs, articles, reviews or case studies.
Myth three: My customer knows what to do when they want to buy from me. This assumption is not only incorrect, it can also be damaging. Well-placed, well-considered calls to action are essential in good web design.
How Do I Move On?
The team at Digital Zest can improve, rectify and implement.
We offer the complete system, leaving no stone unturned and leaving nothing out.
Superb, breathable website interface, including graphics and images is guaranteed. Our site navigation maps are the envy of others. Our clients’ positions in Google searches is all the proof you need.
Let’s face it, a good website has never, EVER held back a business.
Yet a website design that could be improved is and will continue to be a detriment to a business.
Poor design prevents engagement, interaction and above all, stops conversions dead in their tracks.
Where Do I Begin?
With web design, the first key element is a breathable User Interface.
Here we reveal one of the secrets that we have here at Digital Zest.
Breathable design includes:
- Website layout that is elegant and has plenty of space.
- No clutter, few pop-ups and simple, effective navigation.
- A lay that looks great on a mobile phone screen.
If you have these elements, then the UX is just what the customer wants. They understand within a second – or even less – that you will meet their needs.
Point one: Stunning imagery, informative relevant content is a good place to start. Get straight to the point that will answer your customer’s question.
Point two: Space around the images and text allows the eye and brain to focus on the important bits.
Point three: A good proportion of people search the web on their smartphone so your website has to look just as good on a small screen. This means developing the mobile-friendly aspect of your site to perfection.
Digital Zest does all this and more.
Sticking With Your Current Website
Okay so you might feel that you’ve got a fantastic User Interface, including stunning images, breathable layouts, great SEO and superb content.
If so that’s amazing and therefore you certainly don’t need any help.
Yet the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
If the above is correct, then your User Experiences is second to none, customers come back to you time and again, and you are regularly gathering new customers … right?
You have a content strategy in place, your SEO is checked regularly, and your website shows in voice command searches … right?
The chances are there are at least two elements that you’ve overlooked or don’t give enough attention to.
Digital Zest has created the complete system to help manage all these elements, day in and day out, leaving you to be creative, have family time, develop your business strategy and more.
I Have All These Element In Place, So You Can’t Help Me
If this is you, then well done.
However, we’re on the very edge of the next digital development.
Perceived customisation, voice commands and predictive analytics are the next big things.
We’ve got these covered.
Have you?
Activating and incorporating these two features will push you way ahead of your competition.
And our systems integrate all aspects of good web design, from start to finish, leaving nothing out and nothing to chance.
Where Do You See Your Business Going In The Next Year?
Digital Zest wants to be part of your team.
We want you to realise your true potential and reach the heights you know you’re capable of attaining.
Book a call today or drop us an email and we would love to talk to you.
Digital Zest is here for you, today and always.