How a web content plan can help you and where to begin

If you’re thinking about having a website built, or you’re having your website redesigned, then at some stage you need to think about the content you want to include. The content and imagery for your website are equally important as the design, so, rather than just putting something together last minute, why not take some time to plan your web content properly?

Creating a content plan can help on many fronts.

  1. It will help you to define the content you want to include on your website (and that which you don’t).
  2. It can help to reduce time (and pressure) when it comes to the website build because you already have a content plan in place.
  3. It will help you to think about any support you might need with content writing and photography.
  4. It can help you to think about a web content strategy post-launch and how to keep your content fresh.

Starting with a blank page isn’t always helpful – it can be hard to know where to start, and then writer’s block kicks in, and you move on to something else and think “I’ll come back to this later!” That’s why I’ve created a template content plan. It will give you some things to consider and help you to decide what content you want for your website.

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What do I need to think about when planning my web content?

When designing your web content, here are a few questions that it’s helpful to have the answers to. These questions will help you to build a picture of the type of information you’ll want to put on the website and how much detail you’ll need to go into. If you download the template now, you can complete the answers as you go.

  1. To start, it’s useful to make some notes about the reasons you’re building a website in the first place? What is its purpose? Is it to sell products, advertise services, is it just for information?
  2. Who is your website aimed at? Who’s your target audience? Are they people in the same industry? Do you target a specific gender? Do they fall into a certain age demographic? Thinking about your customer profiles will help you to position your content for your target audience.
  3. Will your website be responsive? How will your customers interact with your website? Will they mainly use Desktop? Tablet? Mobile phone? Thinking about this will help you to decide how much information you want to include.
  4. Will the website be stand-alone or will there be other tools and channels you use to market your products or services? Will the website be the main marketing tool? Again, thinking about all the mediums you will use to advertise will help you to decide what content and how much.
  5. Is your website a brand-new website or a redesign? If you’re redesigning your website, then have a think about the content you’ve used previously. Do you have any statistics that can tell you what’s worked in the past and what hasn’t? Do you frequently get asked the same questions and the answers should be on the website? Or, is the information on your website but people can’t find it? If it’s a new website, then you might not have any previous information to go on, but it’s worth monitoring the stats and reviewing regularly.

What content do I need?

Most websites start off with the core information that your customers need to know about you and what it is your advertising/selling. Try to keep in mind what it is your customers need to know rather than what you want to tell them. What is it that will help them to decide to buy from you?

Core web content

Whether your website is made up of one continuous web page or individual pages, there is core information that should be included.
Main areas of content include:

  1. A homepage/landing page.
  2. Information about you / the company.
  3. Information about your offering; what products or services.
  4. Perhaps delivery information if it’s relevant.
  5. Your contact information and details of your location.
  6. You might also need Terms and Conditions.

There is space on the web content planner to make some notes about what your customers and clients need to know about your business. Start with the key, most important things.
I hope this has given you a starting point of some of the things you need to consider when planning your web content. And remember, think about what your customer needs to know, rather than what you want to tell them.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me on 07572 751040 or email

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