And that’s good news all round! Our UX and UI work ensures your customers want to buy from you time and again. And they will tell their friends, family and colleagues all about you.
Executive summary about this blog
This blog will:
1) Explain what UX and UI are and why they’re important
2) We will give you some expert UX and UI tips to take away
3) It will also give you expert tips on UX and UI for advanced help
So, What Is UX And What Is UI?
User Experience and User Interface are two important elements of your web presence. The first, UX, is as the term suggests. It’s the overall experience your customers have when they visit your website. Does it load fast? Are the calls to action irresistible? Are you getting a good to very good conversion rate? Is the UI uncluttered, breathable and is your site easy to navigate around? The key thing is that good UX and UI also help you climb those search rankings.
Aren’t UX And UI The Same?
Many people feel that UX and UI are interchangeable. This is a myth. User Experience refers to the whole experience given by your website or e-commerce platform. The best UX encourages users to return to your site many times. The best UI is about the look of your platform and how the visitor interacts with it.
My Customers Know What They Want …
Steve Jobs said: “It’s not the customer’s job to know what they want.” Good UX designers know that customers are SMART rather than actually knowing what they want. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-Based frameworks can help with great UX. Yet this should be coupled with avoiding decision paralysis, when a user overthinks their decisions and doesn’t respond at all. In this instance, the Digital Zest team understands that ‘less is more’ and limited choices in the UX journey.
Cluttering Means Crisis
With the User Interface, or UI, a website that breathes is one that uses space carefully. Some developers feel that white space within a website’s interface is a waste and is even sometimes considered negative space.
Here we give you three insider tips as to why this though process is wrong:
1) White space allows decision making to be easier
2) White space within a UI allows for better readability
3) White space draws attention to the page’s intended purpose
Point One: breathable design reveals the intention clearly to the user, for example, a ‘Book This Holiday’ call to action after an immersive video of the Caribbean, surrounding by plenty of space encourages decision making and a good result
Point Two: As many of us search the web using numerous gadgets, good use of space improves reading comprehension.
Point Three: By keeping your UI straightforward and clear as to the decisions you want your customer to make, you are more likely to achieve this.
The Principles of Good UX and UI Are Simple To Follow
If you want to ensure that your conversion rate improve, that you become trusted in your field, that your business works for you while you sleep, then resist the urge to have a ‘busy’ UI, making it difficult for your customers to have a good UX. This means cutting down on load-time drags such as multiple sliders, for example. It means being savvy with your site navigation enabling your customer to have a good journey around your website. It means use space wisely and ensure your customer has an easy decision to make. Avoid this and your customer will simply go to the opposition.
I Already Have Great UX and UI
Well done if that’s the case. Yet we ‘re still wondering why you’re getting abandoned baskets, or people don’t book that holiday, or they don’t use your services. Something’s not right. One element that might be a hindrance to getting those important conversions is your site navigation. It could be you’ve got too many levels … up to a depth of 4 is okay. Also, your navigation should be consistent, using the bread crumb technique and navigation labels should be no more than 2 to 3 words long.
UX and UI Sorted
Here at Digital Zest, we share the love. Download our tick list of good UX and UI and see how we can improve it. Chances are your own developer will be envious of this … and if they’ve not advised you about UX and UI, you need to ask yourself, why?
Ready To Become Even More Successful?
Great UX and UI is achievable and if it’s all singing and dancing, then you’ll never look back. Our team can deliver every element of good UX and UI. Let’s just have a talk about it and we can guarantee we can improve your digital presence from the start.